Authorized and Certified Members have the right to use the IMCI+ Alliance Brand in their daily business and to refer to their membership with IMCI+ Alliance in their business. Authorized and Certified Members went through a qualification and assessment process. As a result, they are allowed to use certain elements of our corporate identity as imci group email accounts, digital signatures, business cards and personalized profiles.
Members are legally NOT representing IMCI+ Group Intl. Gmbh / LLC, and in consequence are not allowed to enter into any legally binding engagement by using the IMCI Group Intl., IMCI+ Capital, the IMCI+ Advisory and IMCI+ Alliance brand and name. This means concretely, they are not allowed to submit any legal binding commercial proposal, invoice, terms sheets, agreements, NCNDA's, pretending to represent or act on behalf of IMCI+ Group Intl. or any of the IMCI+ Divisions.
Members are not allowed to ask for any upfront fees or payments if the agreement is not signed by an authorized Executive Officer. As Executive Officer, we herewith refer to the Mercantile Register of the Canton Zurich and the Swiss Federation. Such Officers are listed as such on our websites.
Principal Directors or functional Directors or Associate Partners or Members of the APCP Team are not linked to any decision or signing authority, but rather to their seniority and professional expertise.