IMCI Alliance Introduction To New Members

Join the IMCI+ Alliance: 
Become a Part of Our Winning Tea and join us as a cooperation partner, associate partner, business associate, or business introducer and propel your business to new heights.
Insert document attached 12.07.2024.

Our Vision and Concept
At the heart of the IMCI+ Alliance is the power of networking. We have meticulously developed a structured group of professionals and organizations that offer expert advice, insights, and support to businesses and individuals. By leveraging the collective knowledge and experience of our members, we provide specialized guidance in various areas.

Key Components of the IMCI+ Alliance:
Expert Members: Our alliance includes consultants and advisors from diverse fields such as corporate finance, strategic management, project management, marketing, law, technology, and more.
Specialization: Our members possess deep expertise in their respective areas, ensuring a wide range of advisory services.
Collaboration: We foster collaboration among our members to tackle complex projects and provide comprehensive solutions.
Structured Organization: Defined roles, responsibilities, and governance ensure smooth operations.
Exclusive Access: Members benefit from access to extensive expertise and resources.

Membership Benefits:
Unmatched Expertise: Clients gain access to a pool of specialized knowledge to address specific challenges and opportunities.
Cost-Effective Solutions: Engaging with the IMCI+ Alliance is more economical than hiring full-time experts or consultants.
Networking Opportunities: Share best practices and stay updated on industry trends.
Holistic Solutions: Our collaborative approach provides integrated solutions to complex issues.
Financial Resources: With access to financial resources, we can finance projects from 20 million USD to 50 billion USD.
Flexibility: Scale advisory services as needed.
Enhanced Credibility: Being part of a reputable advisory network enhances credibility for both members and clients.

How We Work:
Identify Needs: Surveys and workshops help determine where advisory support is needed.
Select Members: We choose the best talents based on their expertise and reputation.
Structured Governance: Led by a Managing Director and supported by the IMCI+ Alliance Committee.
Member Engagement: Facilitate collaboration and communication for effective teamwork.
Measure Impact: Continuously evaluate the effectiveness of our network.

We are looking for successful and experienced business experts to join us, particularly in project/corporate financing, consulting, and mergers & acquisitions. If you are self-employed, ambitious, and possess an excellent business reputation, we invite you to join our team.

Criteria for Individual Members:
Client Introduction and Service: Able to introduce and serve company clients.
Excellent Reputation: Present three case references.
Strong Business Network: Good academic and advisory background.
Strategic Field Expertise: Proficient in one of our strategic fields.
Fluent in English: Both written and spoken.
Financial Independence: Self-sufficient and self-employed with your own consultancy.
Professional Experience: At least 10 years of experience, with 3 years as a self-employed professional.
Adherence to Standards: Respect our Code of Conduct and standard anti-money laundering rules.

Seeking INVESTMENT Facilitators
We also welcome cooperation with investment facilitators such as CPAs, auditors, lawyers, and corporate finance experts who have access to potential investors and are searching for investment opportunities, vehicles, and services.

Member Benefits:
International Network: Umbrella of a global advisory and network organization.
Professional Framework: Reliable and experienced.
Value Addition: Enhance your core business.
Involvement Opportunities: Participate in due diligence, restructuring, and advisory mandates.
Leadership Roles: Opportunity to act as a Director for our clients.
Revenue Participation: Participate in the exit value of our participation.
Networking and Synergies: Expand your business network and exchange best practices.
Intranet: Access to a great number of interesting documents and library.

Additional Benefits for Full Members:
  • IMCI+ Email Account and Signature
  • IMCI+ Business Cards
  • Priority Visibility and Direct Mentoring
  • Monthly Meetings and Coaching Sessions
  • Priority for Project Involvement and Director Positions
  • Certificate of Association

How to Apply:
  • Complete the Application: Fill out the application form, and submit your CV, ID/Passport copy, and a motivation letter.
  • Initial Acceptance: Receive an invitation to start the registration process.
  • Finalize Registration: Complete the registration within 4 weeks.
  • Contact Us: Reach out to us at with any questions or support needs.

Registration Fees (Effective 01.07.2024):
  1. Affiliate Member:            100 CHF Swiss Francs
  2. Business Associates:        250 CHF Swiss Francs
  3. Full Members:                 500 CHF  Swiss Francs
IMCI+ Alliance is not asking for any membership fees or contribution fees. But just a small initial administration fee to cover partially our costs.

Embrace the opportunity to join a prestigious network and elevate your professional journey with the IMCI+ Alliance. We look forward to welcoming you!


Specialized in (multiple choice):
Merger & Acquisitions
Project Finance
Consulting Services
Interim Management
Investment Services
Legal Services
Tax Services
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